Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use

Building and land use tools

These tools have been used in the case studies relating to the building and land use sector.

Two levels of information are included; a brief description of the tool, where it can be obtained from and the type of data that is output by the tool, and also a more indepth description which provides more detail which is presented in .pdf format.

Tools that specialise on buildings & land use

Achieving Excellence Design Evaluation Toolkit (AEDET)

(PETUS case study)

BEAT 2002 (Building Environmental Assessment Tool)

BRE Sustainability Checklist for developments: A common framework for developers and local authorities
(PETUS case study)

Cardiff County Council Sustainability Appraisal Matrix
(PETUS case study)

Concerted Development Zone procedure CDZ (Concerted Planning Zone)
(PETUS case study)

Context Analysis
(PETUS case study)

Countryside around Towns Planning Framework

CSD Framework

Design Guidance/Design code
(PETUS case study)

Digital analytical tool


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental statement (ES)
(PETUS case study)

Environmental management Control Panel
(PETUS case study)

Environmental Management System
(PETUS case study)

Environmental Manual (Environmental impact/aspect register and risk assessment)
(PETUS case study)


European Common Indicators

Evaluation of new approaches for the regional implementation of ecological goals using the example of the Mecklenburg lakes district

Expert Evaluation
(PETUS case study)

Forum for the Future's Regional Authority Sustainable Development Matrix

Forum for the Future, Local Authority Sustainability Development Matrix

Framework for Evaluating Assessment

Green Accounting for Residential Areas, version 3.1.
(PETUS case study)

Green Diploma for Housing Associations
(PETUS case study)

Hochtief Griffiths QUENSH
(PETUS case study)

Housing sightlines checklist
(PETUS case study)

HQE Process
(PETUS case study)

HUD Framework

Indicators for Spatial Planning
(PETUS case study)

ISTAT Environmental Indicator Sets (EIS)

Lifetime Homes
(PETUS case study)

LURM - Land Use and Resource Matrix

Manual on Environmental Management in Project Design (MEMPD).
(PETUS case study)

Movement for Innovation (M4I) Sustainability Indicator Assessment Tool
(PETUS case study)

Multicriteria assessment tool

Municipal Target Criteria (one of Two)
(PETUS case study)

National Target Criteria (one of Two)
(PETUS case study)

Participatory Assessment Process (PAP)
(PETUS case study)

PASTILLE electronic tool

Planner's TOOLBOX

Policy for open planning process

Preliminary EIA Report
(PETUS case study)


Secured by Design
(PETUS case study)

Set of Local Sustainability Indicators (LSI)
(PETUS case study)

Spatial and Territorial Indicators

Sustainability Checklist
(PETUS case study)

Sustainable Development Index (SDI)

Sustainable Livelihoods Approach
(PETUS case study)

Systems Analysis in landscape planning

The context analysis
(PETUS case study)

The Dashboard Tool

The Indicators Toolkit

The MOLAND Urban Modelling Tool

Urban environmental management framework

Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) Site selection matrix
(PETUS case study)

General tools that include buildings & land use

A Guide to the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme for UK Local Government (A Manual for Environmental Management in Local Government)

A way towards a city of the future

Action Towards Local Sustainbility (ATLAS) sustainability management toolkit: Sustainability Checklist

BEES (Building for Environment and Economic Sustainability)

Best Value and Sustainability Checklist (Dudley Council)

Best Value and Sustainability Checklist (SOLACE, I&DeA, Local Government Association)

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) for office designs
(PETUS case study)

CEEQUAL - The Civil Engineering Environmental Quality and Assessment Scheme

Checklists to support land use planning

Contract Evaluation (Contractor Selection Matrix)
(PETUS case study)

Dispute Resolution Ladder
(PETUS case study)

Eco Balance Model

Eco-indicator 99

Ecological Footprint

EiEolienne planning-map
(PETUS case study)

Feasibility Studies
(PETUS case study)

Framework of Guidelines for Wind Energy development in Wallonia ("Cadre de reference pour l´implantation d'éoliennes en Région wallonne")
(PETUS case study)

GB Tool

Green Plot Ratio

Health Impact Assessment (HIA)

Housing Quality Indicators (HQI)

Impact Monitoring and Assessment (IMA)

Indicating Right: environmental performance indicators for the waste management sector

Institutional Sustainability Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
(PETUS case study)

Land use Evolution and Impact Assessment Model (LEAM)

LISA (LCA in Lifecycle analysis)

Multicriteria analysis (Brown, Vence and Associates, Inc.)
(PETUS case study)

NHS Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT)

(PETUS case study)

Policy on Open Space Planning
(PETUS case study)

Public Planning Forum
(PETUS case study)

Quality of Life

RST Grid

Seascape Assessment
(PETUS case study)

Social Impact Assessment

SPeAR®: Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine (ARUP)

Sustainable Diagnosis
(PETUS case study)

The Neighbourhood Appraisal; Shaping Neighbourhoods, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality

The Neighbourhood Checklist: Community Checklist; Shaping Neighbourhood, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality

The Neighbourhood Checklist: Investors Checklist; Shaping Neighbourhood, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality

Toolbox for Regional Policy Analysis

Traffic planning – a SEA-based guideline for the regional level
(PETUS case study)

Visual assessment (photo montage)
(PETUS case study)

Welsh Assembly Government Integration Tool