Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Tool application

Name of the tool
Environmental management Control Panel

Who applied the tool in the case?
The setting up of an Environmental Management control Panel implies the collaboration of members of the staff; the more, the better. An eco-consultant from ABECE (Belgian Association of Eco-advisers) supports the process for free.

Time taken to fully apply the tool
A first Environmental Management control Panel could be set up within among 6 months, but it depends on the features of the company. Nevertheless, it is a first step and the Control Panel has to be fulfilled regularly with updated data to provide accurate information.

Any other interesting information about the tool
This tool focuses on relatively marginal businesses targeting the service sector including very small businesses and public-sector institutions providing them with a flexible and adapted tool where there was a lack.

"Management standards are affecting the whole world…
The global market is leaving a trail of increasing standardisation in its wake and the easy way is the promotion of ISO 14001 or EMAS to SMEs and other subcontractors. However, at the same time, the standardisation forum and European authorities are refusing, for various reasons, to develop lighter, more suitable versions of their tools to cover the service sector, microbusinesses and the non-commercial sector. Large businesses and small manufacturing businesses with five workers are subject to the same assessment criteria, procedures, red tape, interlocutors and market forces."
Quoted from Your environmental Management Control Panel brochure, p4

Case study/ies where tool is in use

The Royal Theatre "La Monnaie"