Application of toolsName der Fallstudie Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn and Edern Sewage Treatment works
Kläranlagen in den Ortschaften Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn und Edern
Name of tool A feasibility study Description of tool - character The feasibility study consisted of a general assessment study to investigate the most appropriate option for providing a suitable sewage treatment works. The assessment compared the differences between constructing two treatment plants or one treatment plant and a pumping station. A single treatment plant offers advantages of less manpower, economy of scale and less power consumption. A combined plant also reduces the environmental impact as only one location is disrupted during construction but had the disadvantage of requiring a pipeline to be installed from the pumping station. However, the pipeline was considered to have only a temporary environmental impact as once works are complete further disturbance of the site will be unnecessary.</p>
<p>The study concluded that the two catchment areas of Nefyn, and Morfa Nefyn/Edern should be combined to construct one new sewage treatment works serving both catchments. This feasibility study was reviewed again recently, and the conclusions were confirmed.</p>
<p>This feasibility study also investigated three possible routes for the transfer main. The preferred route was identified as along the B4417 main road between Nefyn and Edern. This was chosen to prevent construction delays from external factors and to allow easy access for pipe maintenance. Some disturbance may be experienced by road users during development but work would be programmed to minimise disruption during holiday periods. </p>
Description of tool - availability The feasibility study is produced on CD and in hard copy. In this case it was issued within the design team and to Welsh Water. It is not normally made available to the general public. However it is sometimes made available to the Environment Agency, who are the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales if requested (not in this case). The only way it could be made available to the general public would be if Welsh Water used their powers to Compulsory Purchase the land for the treatment works or if planning permission was refused and a public inquiry is held whereby all relevant information would need to be made public. Description of tool - existing Welsh Water do not have a Specification for feasibility studies. It is newly developed but the person(s) carrying out the study must have experience of having done similar before. Sometimes examples of previous feasibility studies may be provided as a template – it is uncertain whether this was the case for Nefyn. Description of tool - adaptation Local experts were involved in tools development, the people who operate the sewerage system in Nefyn were consulted.
Name of tool Welsh Water Treatment Works Site Selection Matrix Description of tool - character This assessment was carried out on potential sites for the sewage treatment works. The assessment compared possible impacts of various options. Each potential site was ranked to consider its impact across a number of ?topic areas? which included access, public disruption, environmental, land, residential proximity, planning, Public relations, odour nuisance, proximity to suitable discharge location and proximity to sewage system. Each site is given a score (1 poor to 3 good) for each aspect which are then combined to give an overall sustainability score for each site.</p>
<p>A cost evaluation for transferring sewage flows to each site was also undertaken. </p>
Description of tool - availability A copy of the assessment tool is available from the PETUS website. Local experts involved in the development of the tool include Planning advisor, Welsh Water Treatment Works Operator and Environmental Specialist.
Description of tool - existing This is paid for by the client (in this case Welsh Water). Description of tool - adaptation -
Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen? A feasibility study Welsh Water Treatment Works Site Selection Matrix Weiterführende Informationen (nur auf Englisch):
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