Project descriptionName der Fallstudie Description of context ? Section 121 of the Government of Wales Act made it a legal duty for the National Assembly for Wales to pursue sustainable development in all it does. ? Water related companies are affected by a list of legislations (specific to Wales): ? The third Asset Management Programme (AMP 3) is part of an investment programme known as the National Environment Programme. AMP3, the third phase in the programme since water privatisation, has been agreed by the Government following discussions with the Environment Agency, water companies and OFWAT (the UK water regulator). ? Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is the regulated company that provides water supply and sewerage services to over three million people living and working in Wales. The company has an Environment Management Group and a Quality and Environment Committee at board level. This committee reviews the performance of the Company (and its contractors) against key performance measures with particular regard to public health, health and safety and environmental impact. This ensures the environmental practices of the company and those contractors working on behalf of Dw^r Cymru Welsh Water. Description of project - background One system covers most of Nefyn (popn of 1,359), and the second covers Morfa Nefyn/Edern (popn of 1,260). The aim of the project, to improve the treatment of sewage in the area, was initiated as a result of the 1991 EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) that was adopted into English and Welsh law through the Urban Waste Water Treatment (England and Wales) Regulations 1994. The regulation requires discharges to coastal waters from communities of between 2,000 and 10,000 population to receive ?appropriate treatment?, which is to be put into action by the end of December 2005. The area encompassed by Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn/Edern fall into this category. Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water were also required to undertake improvement works to combined sewer overflows in the sewer network to improve the quality of water in rivers. The existing catchment system includes:
2) Morfa Nefyn/Edern catchment has four pumping stations. The sewage from these plus the remainder of the catchment drain by gravity joining together at Pont Edern, where the combined flow runs to Afon Geirch valley. The untreated sewage is discharged at Aber Geirch into the sea via a short outfall. Three combined sewer overflows (CSOs) operate only after heavy rainfall, these are connected to additional outflows, which in storm conditions may discharge diluted sewage into the river.
The proposed work involves the construction of one sewage treatment works to serve the two catchment areas covering Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn/Edern. This is to replace the two systems currently in place. The chosen site is located on agricultural land just outside an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, close to the existing sewage system for Edern/Morfa Nefyn with easy access for maintenance from the main road. The preferred location of the pipeline to the treatment works will follow the main road, the B4417. Further development will occur for the Nefyn pumping station, which is to be built behind a farm near Nefyn fire station. This is located downstream of the Nefyn catchment to collect all the flows from the catchment. Description of project - objectives/aims Description of project - time interval and stages Description of project - financing Description of project - other sectors involved Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen? Welsh Water Treatment Works Site Selection Matrix Weiterführende Informationen (nur auf Englisch): |