Tool summaryName of the tool Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) Site selection matrix Description of the tool
This is a very simple (and fairly short) matrix that prompts the user to think and give a score (1 being poor and 3 being good) on issues such as access, public disruption, odour nuisance and the proximity to sewage system. The matrix allows for site comparisons to occur.
Galliford Try plc use the matrix to help them come to a decision on the choice of site and also have something as a record which is auditable. A meeting is held which would comprise about 8 to 12 key people from the project team. The merits and constraints of each of the sites would be discussed and then the headings would be agreed for scoring against. The scoring system would be agreed e.g. 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 etc.. Good means that this topic is less likely to hinder Galliford Try plc from developing the site or is a cheaper solution and bad means that that there would be more problems s to overcome in developing the site or that it would cost more. Each person would then score each site under the agreed headings so that an average can be produced, hopefully giving a clear winner!
Specific topic Selection of sites for water related development e.g. new mains, development. Sector/s of use
Waste |
Energy |
Water |
Transport |
Green/Blue |
Building & Land use |
0 | 0 | M | 0 | 0 | M |
M - main sector, 1 - sub sector and 0 - n/a Scale of applications
Component |
Building |
Neighbourhood |
City |
Region |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |