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Decision making process

Name der Fallstudie
ÖKOSTADT 2000 Evaluation
ÖKOSTADT 2000 Evaluierung

Decision making process - stages
Preliminary stage: gathering information
Screening: information to the local government and the public
Then: gathering data and putting it all together

Decision making process - levels
Implementation is more or less technically oriented

Decision making process - sources of information
Sector specific information (air, water, soil, noise, energy and climate, traffic, waste, natural and cultivated green space)

Decision making process - who are the decision makers
The technicians took the leading role and primary decisions, the citizens and politicians were involved in the evaluation process

Decision making process - who made the final decision for project implementation
The technicians took the lead

Name of tool

Decision making process - tools in decision-making process
The tool was used right from the beginning of the planning level by planners and technicians. Almost all relevant groups and people were involved and had the possibility to contribute their experiences and their special knowledge which also influenced decision making. </p> <p>Qualitative and quantitative benchmarks were used (e.g.: benchmarks set by the tool were the reduction in CO2 emissions by -20%, and for a 25% share of regenerative energy source, etc.), they were compared to the data of 1994. </p> <p align="center"><img src="graphics/Auecocity5.jpg" hspace="100" alt="Reduction of CO2 emission by thermal insulation" width="110" height="143" align="bottom" /> <br> <em>Reduction of CO2 emission by thermal insulation</em> </p> <p align="center"><img src="graphics/Auecocity6.jpg" alt="Thermography measurements on municipality buildings to show where to place thermal insulation" width="120" height="90" align="bottom" /> <br> <em>Thermography measurements on municipality buildings to show where to place thermal insulation</em> </p> <p>The tool was used to support argumentations through showing the benchmarks and the ways how they were reached supported the different projects.</p>

Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated
The information was disseminated through NGOs to the public. The mass media, press and internet were used for dissemination

Decision making process - how was the public involved
Public was involved by addressing them directly, but only few citizens really wanted to contribute to the process. So Indirectly the public was contributing by "using" NGOs as their intermediary.

Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project

Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen?


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