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Decision making process

Name of the case study
The Royal Theatre "La Monnaie"

Decision making process - stages
In this case, the aim is to change day-to-day management decisions in a more sustainable way.

Decision making process - levels
Decision making occurs at the daily sustainable management of a cultural establishment.

Decision making process - sources of information
Indicators defined for the TRM enables the the assessment of performance (management) and to communicate the results to employees and public (communication).

Decision making process - who are the decision makers
Various stakeholders from the different fields of activities involved in the Theatre functioning are in charge of the good progress of this experience.

Decision making process - who made the final decision for project implementation
The Theatre head office agreed with the project but all the staff have also been involved in the experience in order to make it successful. It could be seen as a political decision, implying some technical modifications in the way of functioning of the institution.

Name of tool
Environmental management Control Panel

Decision making process - tools in decision-making process
The aim is to change day-to-day management decisions to a more sustainable way. The tool was implemented by the various stakeholders from the different fields of activities involved in the Theater functioning. They were helped, for free, by experts (Eco-consultants from ABECE :Belgian Association of Eco-advisers).

The Environmental Management Control Panel enables evaluation, via the environmental performance indicators, the relevance of the decisions taken in various domains. These indicators are of 4 types: operational, management and economic and the state of the environment.

The Royal Theatre chose sustainable measures whose results could be assessed and communicated.

Indicators have been developed to express the operation of the institution as simple and compact data. These data only make sense and can only be compared if this related to a unit of reference, for instance in the TRM case, the number of seats.

Environmental performance indicators could be found in the following domains:
Air / Refuse / Energy / Water and sewage / Odors / Noise / Complaints / Training /Transport /Environmental cost.
Examples for the TRM: kWh electricity /number of seats; % of the employees who are coming by car ; etc.

To make sense, this evaluation was also compared with tangible, well-known references.
Examples: Each seat consumes 1700 kWh/year. To absorb the CO2 produced per year by the theatre, a forest park equal to "le bois de la Cambre" in Brussels (6O ha) will be needed.
The theatre paper consumption per year (programs, magazines, internal communication, etc) is about 32 300 kg equivalent to making a photocopy every 5 seconds night and day, etc

Indicators defined for the TRM enables the assessment of performances (management) and the communication of the results to employees and public (communication). The Management Control Panel is used to change management decisions into more sustainable ones.

Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated
The results from the tool are communicated to employees and the public through reports and brochures. Employees are invited to be directly implied in the experience.

Decision making process - how was the public involved
Employees are invited to be part of the process. Public (spectators) are not directly involved in the project.

Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project
There was no real public discussion involved in this project. Meeting and debates with employees were organised.

What tools were used to assess sustainability?

Environmental management Control Panel

More information

Click here for a full description (pdf)