Decision making processName of the case study Decision making process The first two parts: the modelling/feasibility and scheme definition are the responsibility of the design manager. Target cost and detail design/construction delivery sections are the responsibility of the catchment manager. Each of these parts of the decision making process are broken down into sections and sub sections that are monitored by different members of the project team including cost consultant, estimator, environmental ecologist, specialist contractor, land agent, designer, sewage operator, client, planning supervisor, contract administrator, environment agency, Third party designer. It is impossible to specify the project team for each individual project as this will vary depending on the scale and nature of the project. The crucial part of the process is the first part as it is easier to design out sustainability problems rather than mitigation at the construction stage. The decision making process evolved from experience and best practice. It was decided that the best way to avoid costly design mistakes was to include all interested parties/stakeholders to become involved at the earliest stages. This also ensures that stakeholders & customer / end user requirements are firmly established at the outset. Generally the process is a guide tool but it is picked up at internal audits where evidence may be asked to demonstrate that certain processes have been carried out and documented. Overall decision making is made at the higher technical level, either by the design manager or the catchment manager. Each level of responsibility relating to the process are indicated in the flow chart. Sustainability issues are discussed right from the very beginning of a process with all stakeholders including the company ecologist involved. Feasibility and modelling issues are discussed to ensure not only sustainability but ´buildability´ and cost effectiveness. This can only be achieved by involving all stakeholders at the very beginning of the process as shown on the AMP3 process chart. Morrison Constructions ecologist obtained formal Assent for the works under the terms of the Regulations from the Countryside Council for Wales, the Government´s statutory nature conservation advisors in Wales. All sources of information are contained and referred to within the AMP3 process, including a reference to fulfil the Environmental Manual. A key driver for the design and use of the Process Map is to achieve the International Standards of ISO 9000 (Quality), 14000 (environment) and 18 (safety). Name of tool Decision making process - tools in decision-making process The use of the AMP3 Process Map, provides a clear decision making process for all to follow. The process is a framework that tools are contained within. It was suggested that only benchmarks that are really needed are used. The Key performance Indicators specified by Constructing Excellence are currently being considered to provide benchmarks, particularly those relating to the environment and waste. Name of tool Decision making process - tools in decision-making process Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated Morrison Construction believe that transparency of the decision making process is essential for good project management. Decision making process - how was the public involved Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project What tools were used to assess sustainability? Environmental Impact/Aspect Register and Risk Assessment More information |