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Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Source of tools

Name of the tool
Secured by Design

Where is tool available from
The Secured by Design specifications and standards are available for download from
Further information on Secured by Design design guides and publications, as well as standards and testing can be found on the ACPO Secured by design website

When was the tool produced

Is support provided
The website is comprehensive in the information it provides, however contact details for local police Architectural Liaison Officer (ALO) is provided.

Organisation/s that developed the tool and country of origin
Developed in the UK by the Association of Chief Police Officers for England and Wales (ACPO) Crime Prevention Initiatives Limited was established in 1999 to manage Secured by Design and similar crime prevention initiatives at a national level.

Is the tool newly developed or based on an exisiting tool
Secured by Design is the UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of 'designing out crime' by use of effective crime prevention and security standards for a range of applications.
Secured by Design supports one of the Government´s key planning objectives - the creation of secure, quality places where people wish to live and work.

Cost of the full tool
The tool in the form of design specifications and standards is available for free from the website. Information on different elements of the specifications can be obtained separately from the web.