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Project description

Name of the case study
Sustainable Development Strategy and Action Plan, Velingrad Municipality

Description of context
Bulgarian Capacity 21 National Programme
Bulgarian government jointly with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) initiated the Capacity 21 Programme in 1997 to answer the need for integrating the sustainable development principles in national policy and planning.

Goals and Objectives
Following the Agenda 21 principles, the goals and objectives of Bulgarian Capacity 21 Programme are targeted towards encouraging and supporting actions to achieve better management on national, regional and local level through involving all social groups in the development and the implementations of strategies, programs and projects for sustainable development. The project objective is to lay down the basis for the development of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (Bulgarian Agenda 21).

First phase (1997-1999)
The first project phase consisted of four structural elements:
• Establishing a National Commission for sustainable development;
• Developing an Educational strategy for sustainable development;
• Attracting the media and the public for the sustainable development idea;
• Creating Models for the development of sustainable municipalities.

Second phase (1999-2001)
The second phase is a joint effort of Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and UNDP, funded by the Global Capacity 21 Initiative, as recognition of the good output of the first phase of the project. It was implemented in compliance with the approved National Plan for Economic Development (2000-2006), and the National Plan for Regional Development. Its main objective is the building of institutional and human capacity for sustainable development at national, regional and local levels as a move towards development of Bulgarian Agenda 21.

Description of project - background
The Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) and Action Plan, Velingrad Municipality was elaborated as a pilot project of the Capacity 21 Programme and was financed by UNDP in Bulgaria.

SDS comprises five parts - Future Development Vision, Current Situation Analysis and Evaluation, Local Agenda 21, Action Plan and Indicators.

Description of project - objectives/aims
In the Future Development Vision were formulated main development goals of the Municipality with the aim to:
• outline the changes needed in the social and economic life of the municipality
• formulate the priority sustainability tasks for the municipality
• plan necessary actions for the priority tasks implementation taking into account the effective use of the municipal resources and the imperative for environment protection;
• direct and integrate the responsibilities and the actions of particular institutions and organisations;
• stimulate awareness for sustainability and create a new approach to the decision-making process.

The local community outlined four strategic development priorities for the municipality – (1) tourism development based on local healing mineral waters, handicrafts and traditions, and environmental landmarks; (2) agricultural development; (3) wood industry development; (4) development and preservation of forests and high-mountain woodland.

The aims and priorities were defined based on the Current Situation Analysis and Evaluation where an assessment of the economic, social and environmental status, public infrastructure and services, territorial structure and local authority capacity, and the degree of democratisation were undertaken.

The analysis was based on generally quantitative indicators consistent with sector investigation and existing statistic and register database created in the long-term (in the course of 50 years). Most of the indicators implemented for the evaluation of the current state had been traditionally used and for that reason included in the LSI.

Description of project - time interval and stages
The SDS was accomplished in 1999 and had a 7-year horizon (till 2006). In 2001 it was reviewed and updated.

Description of project - financing
In the Action Plan (based on Local Agenda 21) a set of structured recommendations were defined on how to achieve the formulated development goals. Appropriate actions, expected results, responsibilities and possible financial sources were outlined (partnerships between private and municipal companies were provided as well as international and local cooperation).

Description of project - other sectors involved
The SDS had a holistic character and comprised all urban systems and infrastructures and thus provoked changes in the existing Town Center Scheme (see diagram below).

Scheme of the Velingrad centre
Scheme of the Velingrad centre

Actors involved in the project
Municipality, public organisations, NGOs and the expert team of Capacity 21 National Programme.

What tools were used to assess sustainability?

Set of Local Sustainability Indicators (LSI)

More information

Click here for a full description (pdf)