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Decision making process

Name der Fallstudie
Regeneration Project for a Historical Quarter in the town centre
Projekt zur Erneuerung eines innerstädtischen historischen Viertels von Berkovitza

Decision making process - stages
The procedure covers the following steps:
? development of preliminary project based on the project brief;
? dissemination of information to the public;
? formation of the final project based on the results of the discussions;
? submitted proposals, remarks and suggestions;
? expert assessment (accomplished by the Municipal Expert Council) of the project according to public objections and proposals;
? political decision for project implementation;
? project implementation.

Decision making process - levels
The project development required technical decisions. The final decision by the Municipality was a political one.

Decision making process - sources of information
Basic information (archive data about the historical development of the quarter, ownership, physical state of buildings, etc.) used for the project development was taken from Municipality archives and the national listing of cultural monuments.

Decision making process - who are the decision makers
The decision-makers involved in the project were owners, experts and local authorities.

Decision making process - who made the final decision for project implementation
The final decision for project implementation was made by the Municipal Council.

Name of tool
Expert Evaluation of local needs and potential

Decision making process - tools in decision-making process
The tool was implemented in the preliminary stage of the project development by experts.</p> <p>The tool results were expected to support the decision-making process by:<br> • guaranteeing that the proposed new services are really needed and possible to provide and, moreover, will not destroy the spatial identity of the town as perceived by its inhabitants;<br> • specifying the commitment and obligations of the owners and municipality;<br> • determining the optimal parameters of the built-up area in the quarter within the framework of active regulations;<br> • introducing transparent rules to preserve the specific architectural style of the quarter;<br> • providing an adequate basis for the municipality when issuing requested building permits for the quarter.</p> <p> The project team applied land-use indicators (density, built/open area ratio, etc.) based on national regulations as quantitative benchmarks.</p>

Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated
The Municipality sent the property owners? letters to inform them about the decision to develop the regeneration project.

Decision making process - how was the public involved
The main focus of the tool implementation was put on interviews with private owners, municipal authorities and local private businessmen in order to assess their needs and priorities.

Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project
Although required by national regulations there were no public discussions during the project development.

Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen?

Expert Evaluation of local needs and potential

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