Contact detailsName der Fallstudie Regeneration of Dobrich Town Park, Dobrich Municipality
Regeneration des Dobricher Parks, Gemeinde Dobrich Websites Beautiful Bulgaria Project
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
UNDP in Bulgaria
Dobrich Municipality
References General Application form for participation in BBP
Dobrich municipality Application form for participation in BBP in 2004
Beautiful Bulgaria, second revised edition, 2003
Other sources Interviews:
Ganka Peneva ? expert in the Green Infrastructure Department, Dobrich (March 2004, September 2004)
Dimo Petrov ? team leader, Regeneration of Dobrich Town Park Project (March 2004)
Svilen Stefanov - UNDP Programme Associate (March 2004)
Mihail Bachvarov ? expert in charge of Beautiful Bulgaria Project in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (April 2004)
Expert interviews within the testing process carried out in September 2004 Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen? Municipal Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria) National Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria) Weiterführende Informationen (nur auf Englisch):
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