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Decision making process

Name der Fallstudie
Regeneration of Dobrich Town Park, Dobrich Municipality
Regeneration des Dobricher Parks, Gemeinde Dobrich

Decision making process - stages
Actors involved in the decision-making process at national and municipal level: Ecology and Green Infrastructure Department, Dobrich Municipality, local SMEs, Regional BBP offices, National BBP office National level

National Level
The National BBP Office publishes the main financing criteria for each year. The municipalities choose their targets (buildings, squares, parks etc.) for reconstruction by local priority criteria and then present their projects to the Regional BBP offices that make the preliminary choice according to the announced requirements. Projects are then sent to the national BBP Office where the final decision on financial grants is made.

Municipal Level
Municipalities define the priority targets for the cities and towns. Mayors? proposals (for commissioning the projects development and for participation in BBP national procedure) to the Municipal Councils are based on local priority criteria and on the choice of local targets (posed by the municipal experts).

After the decision of the BBP National Office for financial support is announced, Municipalities start a procedure for choosing the local enterprises to undertake the target projects reconstruction. It comprises auction documents development consultations with the enterprises, auction and final SMEs selection (based on national BBP requirements).

Decision making process - levels
See above.

Decision making process - sources of information
National Level
The required information is presented by the municipalities in a specific template and an application form. These documents contain the municipalities arguments for choosing the projects selected.

Municipal Level
All the information available in the municipal departments related to the territorial development of the town and the park (map, plans etc.).

Decision making process - who are the decision makers
National Level
The decision makers are National BBP Office, Regional BBP Office.

Municipal Level
At the municipal level technical decisions are made by the experts in the Green Infrastructure Department whereas the political decision is made by the Mayor and the Municipal Council.

Decision making process - who made the final decision for project implementation
National Level
The final decision for the projects implementation at the national level was made an expert decision made by the national BBP office.

Municipal Level
The final decision for project implementation is a political decision made by the Mayor and the Municipal Council.

Name of tool
Municipal Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria)

Decision making process - tools in decision-making process
The tool is implemented at the initial stage of the project development when choosing the municipal projects to be financed. The tool output facilitates the choice. Its utilisation is determined by the procedure that has not changed since the beginning of the BBP in 1997.</p> <p> BBP supports municipalities in achieving their quality goals by:<br> • Improving the urban living environment; <br> • Providing long-term unemployed people with useful new skills and qualifications and with temporary jobs in small private companies;<br> • Supporting local SMEs specialising in the field of construction;<br> • Raising the tourist attractiveness of the settlements.<br> • The benchmarks used for evaluating BBP achievements after the end of each stage are:<br> • Number of beneficiary municipalities (No of district centers, small municipalities)<br> • Employment generation (No of the employed people, No of people which find long-term jobs after being temporarily employment by the project, etc.)<br> • Capacity building (No of the central/local staff trained, No of people provided with vocational training, etc.)<br> • Refurbishment works accomplished (total number of refurbished sites, number of refurbished sites listed as monuments of culture, number of contractors involved in refurbishment works).</p> <p>The final decision for the project financing is based on the tool output. </p>

Name of tool
National Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria)

Decision making process - tools in decision-making process
The tool is implemented at the initial stage of the project development when choosing the municipal projects to be financed. The tool output facilitates the choice. Its utilisation is determined by the procedure that has not changed since the beginning of the BBP in 1997.</p> <p> BBP supports municipalities in achieving their quality goals by:<br> • Improving the urban living environment; <br> • Providing long-term unemployed people with useful new skills and qualifications and with temporary jobs in small private companies;<br> • Supporting local SMEs specialising in the field of construction;<br> • Raising the tourist attractiveness of the settlements.<br> • The benchmarks used for evaluating BBP achievements after the end of each stage are:<br> • Number of beneficiary municipalities (No of district centers, small municipalities)<br> • Employment generation (No of the employed people, No of people which find long-term jobs after being temporarily employment by the project, etc.)<br> • Capacity building (No of the central/local staff trained, No of people provided with vocational training, etc.)<br> • Refurbishment works accomplished (total number of refurbished sites, number of refurbished sites listed as monuments of culture, number of contractors involved in refurbishment works).</p> <p>The final decision for the project financing is based on the tool output. </p>

Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated
National Level
The information for the decision made is disseminated directly to the public through the mass media, internet and exhibitions with the results of the programme. At the end of each stage of the project an edition with the successful realisations is published and disseminated by the Regional BBP Offices.

Municipal Level
The information for the decision made is disseminated directly to the public by the local newspapers and radio.

Decision making process - how was the public involved
There is no information available on public involvement at the National or Municipal level.

Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project
There is no information available on this at the National or Municipal level.

Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen?

Municipal Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria)

National Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria)

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