Project summary Name of the case study Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn and Edern Sewage Treatment works Where is it located? UK What type of activity is it? This is a restructuring project where an existing system is being replaced due to a change in EU legislation. Short description of the case study This case involves the restructuring of a sewage system for three villages in North West Wales. The work is in response to the 1991 EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) that was adopted into English and Welsh law through the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations 1994. The UWWTD requires discharges to coastal waters from communities of between 2,000 and 10,000 population, into which category the villages of Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn and Edern fall, to receive ‘appropriate treatment’ by the end of December 2005. Therefore the redevelopment of a suitably located sewage systems for Nefyn, Morfa Nefyn/Edern on the Lleyn Peninsular in North West Wales, was a necessity.
Location of the tidal tank at Nefyn (left) and the Existing Aber Geirch Outfall - below beech on north cliff(right)
The best location for the treatment works and the associated pipeline has been identified using evaluation processes that have been developed over a number of years from experience working with Welsh Water. It was concluded following a feasibility study that the most appropriate option was to combine the two catchments, that the three villages are located within, and construct one new sewage treatment works that serves both catchments.
The PETUS key issue associated most closely with this case study is in the Water/sewage sector:
Management and conception of urban water
What tools were used to assess sustainability? A feasibility study Welsh Water Treatment Works Site Selection Matrix More information
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