Decision making processName der Fallstudie New Tredegar Regeneration Scheme
Regenerationsmodell New Tradegar Decision making process The project was initially driven by the need to replace 3 dilapidated school buildings and a poor library building. At the same time there was a need to reclaim an area of the village which had been the site of former industry and had been left for many years unused.
The Council, with the full support of funders, committed themselves to the project. The Partnership, in consultation with Constructing Excellence, decided which tools would be used. Decisions were made both at a political (strategic) level and technical (operational) level.
The sources of information used were many including the Unitary Development Plan, Regeneration Strategies, reports on the effectiveness of Partnership working etc..
As part of the Construction Process the contractor was selected on a quality led basis and the scheme was structured to align with the aims of the employer and the contractor in order to ensure that best value was obtained without compromising contractor profit. However decision making on a number of issues was shared with members of the community.
Name of tool Constructing Excellence´s M4I Sustainability Project
Performance Indicator Assessment Tool Decision making process - tools in decision-making process This tool is designed to advise and guide on decisions throughout the project and was not used as a management process as designed but more as a checklist at the initial and constructional stages of the project. The outcome of using the tool is therefore not an accurate perception of using the tool in its final form. When used as intended, the tool would help measure the projects performance against a set of sustainability issues to help project managers:<br>
• a guide towards making a project more sustainable;<br>
• ask the right questions of themselves and others in running the project;<br>
• with a measure of what is being done in sustainability terms;<br>
• provide a route to continuous improvement.
Using the tool did however illustrate that the requirements set for the development would be difficult to attain within the timescale available. </p>
<p> The Sustainability Indicator Assessment Tool provides benchmarks – to allow a project to be compared with. The benchmarks in the tool used by New Tredegar were based on the analysis of 30 projects during 1999/2000. </p>
<p>The tool was used to convince potential funders and organisations such as the Countryside Commission in Wales that a responsible approach was being taken to sustainable issues. This approach has been maintained throughout the project.</p>
Name of tool Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Decision making process - tools in decision-making process The EIA was, as required by law, carried out prior to starting the project. The EIA for this project involved an in depth survey of flora and fauna, of wildlife including bats, otters etc.. Designed to identify and mitigate the potential environmental impacts of a project by achieving environmental, social and economic benefits through complementary design and good project management. In this case, an ecology officer was employed on site to monitor construction activities and their impact on the ecology of the area. This resulted in the construction of otter fencing, holts and burrows. In addition bat and reptile surveys have resulted in reptiles having to be moved from the development area following a planned capture regime and relocated to other parts of the site unaffected by the works. Work has been undertaken to fit in with seasonal variations in behaviour, for example, repair work to a bridge has been timed to avoid the fish spawning period between May to October.
Name of tool Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Decision making process - tools in decision-making process The KPIs were used throughout the construction phase.
The use of KPIs by each member of the team at the monthly project meetings ensured that problems could be dealt with immediately rather than becoming an issue at a later date. This positive outcome of KPIs was furthered by the annual publishing of the KPI results. The benchmarks used in the KPIs also originate from other projects. KPI results are given to Constructing Excellence who use the information to benchmark with other projects throughout the country. In doing so the New Tredegar project can be compared with other projects throughout the country.</p>
<p>Use of the KPIs as explained above, ensured that problems were dealt with immediately rather than becoming issues at a later date.</p>
Name of tool New Tredegar Community Partnership Decision making process - tools in decision-making process The New Tredegar Community Partnership was implemented from the pre construction stage of the project as all people working on site were required to be aware of the partnering scheme. Contractors and sub-contractors had to be willing to take part in order to be awarded project contracts. Partnership in practice includes management issues, for example, creating a chain of prompt payment between contractors and subcontractors.</p>
<p>. The project has been chosen as a case study for good partnering by Constructing Excellence, because of three project innovations, that are as a result of the tool:<br>
• Unique community involvement,<br>
• Quality led procurement method,<br>
• Creating a building that educates.<br>
The partnering scheme includes all stakeholders from contractors to members of the community. As part of the process the contractor was selected on a quality led basis and the scheme was structured to align with the aims of the employer and the contractor in order to ensure that best value is obtained without compromising contractor profit.</p>
<p> The goal of the project is to produce a finished product which exceeded the expectations of the end users. To provide the building blocks for future regeneration. To demonstrate best practice.</p>
<p>The tool was used to support argumentations since it agreed aims of the project were that the construction project would:<br>
1. To unlock community potential and inspire the community through the successful delivery of a beacon regeneration project by long term partnership.<br>
2. To meet the aspirations of all members of the Partnership. <br>
3. To work in harmony with the environment and seek to minimise disruption and maximise safety. <br>
4. To have fun and enjoy the experience. </p>
Name of tool Secured by Design tool Decision making process - tools in decision-making process -
Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated The project team involved the members of the local community, which included regular meetings and consultations regarding decisions to be made on the project. Decision making process - how was the public involved There has been close community involvement throughout the project which was entitled the ?New Tredegar Community Partnership?. At the start of the project a two day meeting was held for the team to be fully established and the roles understood. At this meeting the certificate below was discussed and agreed on. This has been signed by members of the community partnership and is displayed in the site office for a constant reminder of the goals and for anyone visiting the project to see.
The New Tredegar Regeneration Partnership certificate of aims
Community representatives were invited to every site management meeting, which are in addition to the regular Communities First meetings that are held every six weeks. The Community Partnership has a subgroup that meets to discuss and approve any changes to the design and have been involved in, for example, selection of roof tiles and bricks to fit with the local context. 90% of Community members involved in the scheme are of retirement age. This is a result of retired people having more time to attend meetings, especially those arranged during the day.
Project brochures are distributed about the project to the community twice a year. These are hand delivered to every household in the locality, around 2000 in total.
Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project In 2002 a 3-day exhibition was held in the village to outline the scheme to the public. 600 local people visited the display, and talked to people from the local council, Groundwork Caerphilly, Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations, Caerphilly Local Health Group and the local police are a sample of the organisations involved in the exhibition. Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen? Constructing Excellence´s M4I Sustainability Project
Performance Indicator Assessment Tool Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) New Tredegar Community Partnership Secured by Design tool Weiterführende Informationen (nur auf Englisch):
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