Opinion of toolsName der Fallstudie New Tredegar Regeneration Scheme
Regenerationsmodell New Tradegar
Name of tool Constructing Excellence´s M4I Sustainability Project
Performance Indicator Assessment Tool Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool The designers of this tool were looking for partners to use the tool and the project manager was interested in considering sustainability into the project which the tool would help with. It was felt, by the project manager, that the tool would be a useful mechanism to demonstrate innovation in sustainability issues in the project. The tool was completed solely by the project manager and only used once at the start of the project, rather than as a continuous assessment (which is what the tool is designed for). Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation A significant barrier to using tools is the time taken to implement the tools. Although benefits of using evaluation tools to achieve sustainability can be clearly seen the priority is still to finish the job on time. The ideal situation would be that a permanent member of staff ensures use of tools to increase sustainability. Tools need to be used throughout the entire project not at the start and end as they are traditionally.
Name of tool Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool The implementation of an EIA is a statutory requirement for projects of a certain type and size which this project is included. Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation A significant barrier to using tools is the time taken to implement the tools. Although benefits of using evaluation tools to achieve sustainability can be clearly seen the priority is still to finish the job on time. The ideal situation would be that a permanent member of staff ensures use of tools to increase sustainability. Tools need to be used throughout the entire project not at the start and end as they are traditionally.
Name of tool Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool Part of the Construction Partnership process, KPIs used in this project assessed issues such as completing the job on time, on budget, to a high quality together with health and safety, etc.. The use of KPIs allowed the performance to be monitored regularly (monthly in this case) and the results responded to immediately. This helped the targets of cost certainty, reduction in time of construction and reduction in defects to be obtained.</p>
<p>In pursuing Demonstration Project status the partnership committed themselves to identifying KPIs to provide the necessary performance evidence base.
The indicators chosen, for example, assessing time, budget, etc. were those most appropriate to the project.</p>
<p>There are many other tools available but it is important, to ensure proper regard to taking ownership, that those chosen are value adding to the project.</p>
Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation A significant barrier to using tools is the time taken to implement the tools. Although benefits of using evaluation tools to achieve sustainability can be clearly seen, the priority is still to finish the job on time. The ideal situation would be that a permanent member of staff ensures use of tools to increase sustainability. Tools need to be used throughout the entire project not just at the start and end as they are traditionally.
Name of tool New Tredegar Community Partnership Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool The purpose of establishing the partnership was to create dynamic for further regeneration of the area. It is to enable professionals and the âman on the streetâ to gain a better understanding of the difficulties they face, to aid communication and develop the spirit of trust and cooperation.</p>
<p>The Construction Partnership is more of a general concept that suggests an alternative method of working. It was hoped that the success of partnering in this project will become a model for the future.</p>
Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation A significant barrier to using tools is the time taken to implement the tools. Although benefits of using evaluation tools to achieve sustainability can be clearly seen, the priority is still to finish the job on time. The ideal situation would be that a permanent member of staff ensures use of tools to increase sustainability. Tools need to be used throughout the entire project not just at the start and end, as they are traditionally.
Name of tool Secured by Design tool Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool This was included to ensure maximum security for those using the buildings wherever possible. Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation The main difficulty in aspiring to Secure by Design for a school is that there are not many examples of other schools having attained the accreditation. Learning from others was therefore difficult. The designers had to achieve a balance between ensuring the school and its environment is safe and also provides a pleasurable living experience.</p>
<p>A significant barrier to using tools is the time taken to implement the tools. Although benefits of using evaluation tools to achieve sustainability can be clearly seen the priority is still to finish the job on time. The ideal situation would be that a permanent member of staff ensures use of tools to increase sustainability. Tools need to be used throughout the entire project not at the start and end as they are traditionally. </p>
Opinion of tool - assessment by tool users The project manager found the tools useful and effective that it is hoped that CCBC will use Sustainability Project Performance Indicator Assessment Tool, Community Participation and KPIs on other projects in the future.
The Partnering philosophy is used as a management tool, the project manager believes it has been so successful that other Caerphilly projects are likely to use the partnering principles in future. The Council accepted this method of working for this project because of the strict statutory deadline to complete the opening of the school on time for the new academic year. The project manager also feels that significant savings on procurement in terms of both cost and time have been made by having the contractor involved at the earliest stage in the design process and being aware of what needs to be achieved.
Opinion of tool - reviewer\'s assessment The sustainability of the project has been guided by public health issues, community education, safety and economic regeneration. The Partnership is responsible for the management of the KPIs within the project. This ensures that the KPI questionnaires are regularly answered, and results are acted upon. There is also a consultant ecologist employed to ensure maintenance of the areas biodiversity.
The use of the tools discussed above has contributed to the sustainability of the project. It is believed by the project manager that the project will be completed on budget, on time and having been produced to a high quality, as a result of using these tools.
Although the benefit of using tools can be clearly seen, it is the time taken to use them that is a problem. A general feeling is that tools should be used throughout the project, not just at the beginning or end. It was felt that the management of the sustainability of a project should be a full time role in larger infrastructure projects such as this.
It was found very useful to set out and focus on three main objectives a) unique community involvement, b) quality led procurement, c)a building that educates, throughout the project rather than having many main sustainability considerations which would provide overwhelming as a target.
Benefits from involving the community in the scheme. One way of assessing how sustainable the scheme has been is whether the population remain in the area, this will be a long term measurement.
The Sustainability Indicator Assessment Tool has many positive features of including the fact that it is:
? Straightforward to use with a clear layout;
? Further explanations are available within the tool;
? The results of the indicator scores are clearly displayed in graphs and a spider web type chart.
The Construction Partnership appears to produce successful results in terms of improved project management. It is able to be applied to a wide number of projects.
Positive features of KPIs include:
? KPIs are regularly used in the construction industry which therefore makes comparison straightforward and more reliable.
? KPIs are regularly checked, this ensures that attention is continually focused on relevant points e.g. on a clients specifications or on environmental targets.
? KPIs can show past performance and allow assessments to be made about what needs to be done to improve the situation.
? The continuous use of KPIs ? including the sharing of information, keeps people informed.
? KPIs allow performance to be continually observed, e.g. if accidents happen continuously month after month, KPIs call help reveal a pattern.
? KPIs can be too complicated,
? KPI information can become out of date when not regularly updated.
? If there are other problems on site it is often hard to remember to do a KPI assessment as it is considered less of a priority.
Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen? Constructing Excellence´s M4I Sustainability Project
Performance Indicator Assessment Tool Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) New Tredegar Community Partnership Secured by Design tool Weiterführende Informationen (nur auf Englisch):
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