Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Project Summary Project Description Application of Tools Opinion of Tools Decision making process Contact Details

Opinion of tools

Name of the case study
Maurice Audin Storm Water Detention Basin

Name of tool
Meetings and inquiries

Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool
The use of certain tools like dialogues and the regulatory and educative signing was motivated by the district context: inhabitants, especially young ones need to be listened to and informed about what is being planned.

Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation
There are few barriers that have really interfered with tools implementation. The most important one is the lack of benchmarks as it is a new experience of combining water infrastructure and leisure facilities. In that way, consultation procedures and commitments between actors had to be created due to lack of knowledge about similar projects.

Name of tool

Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool
The use of certain tools like dialogues and the regulatory and educative signing was motivated by the district context: inhabitants, especially young ones need to be listened to and informed about what is being planned.

The use of commitments- between the city and the Department- and other collaboration tools was necessary in order to maintain the site in good operating conditions.

Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation
There are few barriers that have really interfered with tools implementation. The most important one is the lack of benchmarks as it is a new experience of combining water infrastructure and leisure facilities. In that way, consultation procedures and commitments between actors had to be created due to lack of knowledge about similar projects.

Name of tool
Real time control system

Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool
The use of real time control allows a better management of hydraulics and environmental functions of covered part. It secures the area allocated to leisure and sports and also an efficient management of the whole sewage system.

Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation
There are few barriers that have really interfered with tools implementation. The most important one is the lack of benchmarks as it is a new experience of combining water infrastructure and leisure facilities. In that way, consultation procedures and commitments between actors had to be created due to lack of knowledge about similar projects.

Name of tool

Opinion of tool - argumentation for choosing the tool
The use of commitments- between the city and the Department- and other collaboration tools was necessary in order to maintain the site in good operating conditions.

Opinion of tool - barriers for the tool implementation
There are few barriers that have really interfered with tools implementation. The most important one is the lack of benchmarks as it is a new experience of combining water infrastructure and leisure facilities. In that way, consultation procedures and commitments between actors had to be created due to lack of knowledge about similar projects.

Opinion of tool - assessment by tool users
• The actors (DEA and the municipality of clichy-sous-bois) have a very positive experience of this project. It was the first collaboration between the DEA (direction of water and storm water management) and Clichy-sous-bois municipality. This project allowed people working in the field of urbanism and those working on the field of storm water management, to become aware of the necessity of associating both domains in their projects. The feedback of this experience can be used on other projects.

• The project seemed very costly because it was the first time the Department spent money for rehabilitation and not for creation of additional water storage. Construction and equipment costs amount to about 140€/m3 of stormwater. The major part of this cost is due to: (i) The covered part of the basin, (ii) The wish from the DEA to integrate the basin into a remote managed network of storm water detention basins.

• The rehabilitation of the basin has a positive effect on the resident population: a decrease of the number of vandalism acts was noticed, which decrease consequently maintenance costs.

• Supervisors were hired for animation and to avoid any violence between teenagers of different neighbourhoods. Some tournaments are now organised on the site. The leisure and sports facilities are used a lot by nearby inhabitants and schools. Surveys and supervisors interviews show that this area is now the major playing/sport areas of the city.

• As far as the basin is concerned, it would be interesting to:
- Improve the site signing: for example, it could be interesting to integrate a transparent part between the covered part of the basin and the zone liable to flooding, so that the public could see the water level,
- Follow rigorously the basin exploitation, with more communication between municipal services and the Department, to enable the project continuity. Furthermore, there is a need of training for the technical services to enable project durability as the teams follow one another.

Opinion of tool - reviewer\'s assessment
• After this project, the managers became aware of the need to allocate a larger part of the budget for: educative signing, project coaching and urban furniture choice (not too fragile).

• For the DEA, this project allowed to learn new methods of conception / realisation / management of this kind of structures, taking into account the multipurpose and associating 3 notions: urbanism, public space conception (for user's security) and storm water management.

• This project is a success: increasing of the credibility of the approach and the utility of the tools.

What tools were used to assess sustainability?

Meetings and inquiries


Real time control system


More information

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