Water and Sewage
Green Blue
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Project Summary Project Description Application of Tools Opinion of Tools Decision making process Contact Details

Application of tools

Name der Fallstudie
Bewertung der Aufbereitung von organischen Abfällen in Dänemark

Name of tool
ORWARE (LCA-analysis for organic waste)

Description of tool - character
ORWARE (environmental analysis); ORWARE is an acronym for ORganic WAste REsearch. The development of ORWARE was financed by the Swedish Waste Research Council between 1993-1997 and between 1998-1999 by the Swedish Energy Authority. In the beginning ORWARE was focused on environmental aspects of treatment of organic (biodegradable) wastes, hence the chosen name of the model. Today it includes all kinds of municipal solid waste, as well as submodels for calculation of economic aspects. The current ORWARE model handles several treatment methods such as anaerobic digestion, composting, landfilling, incineration, thermal gasification, sewage water treatment and transports. This LCA-tool has been used in several Swedish studies on waste strategies (see figure below). More information can be found at: <a href=""target="blank"></a></p> <p align="center"><img src="graphics/DNassoforgwaste1.gif" hspace="100" alt="Conceptual model describing the waste management systems in the ORWARE model as adapted to Denmark" width="450" height="255" align="bottom" /></p>

Description of tool - availability
Normally the Swedish developers are being paid to make an ORWARE analysis

Description of tool - existing
The tools are based on existing tools.

Description of tool - adaptation
The LCA-analysis using ORWARE was carried out by Swedish university departments, who have participated in developing ORWARE: JTI, Swedish institute of agricultural and environmental engineering and KTH, Royal institute of technology

Name of tool
Socio-economic Assessment of Environmental Products (economic analysis)

Description of tool - character
"Socio-economic Assessment of Environmental Products" (economic analysis). This method, a calculation tool, has been widely used by the Ministry of Traffic (and more generally in the transport sector). The principles from this method have been applied on the waste sector.

Description of tool - availability
The tool is paper based.

Description of tool - existing
The tool is based on existing tools.

Description of tool - adaptation

Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen?

ORWARE (LCA-analysis for organic waste)

Socio-economic Assessment of Environmental Products (economic analysis)

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