Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use

Energy case studies

These case studies are energy related projects that have used at least one tool to assess sustainability. This has enabled an investigation of the usefulness of tool in highlighting sustainability and its role in the decision making process. Case studies that have been chosen could be complete, ongoing or due to take place in the next couple of years and can be of a building, neighbourhood, city or regional scale.

The information included has been obtained from interviews with project staff, other literature and websites.

Two levels of information are included; a brief description of the case study, the tools used and how they have had an impact on the project and also a more indepth description which provides more detail and sources of information, this is presented in .pdf format.

Awel Aman Tawe Community Energy Project.
A community based scheme established to incorporate renewables and increase energy efficiency to contribute towards regenerating a community.

City District heating and cooling in Zuidas
The Netherlands
To develop an energy system that meets high environmental standards and provides an excellent quality and good sustainability. Better than normal good practice, with a 50% energy saving by 2020.

Environmental monitoring in Breda
The Netherlands

Housing regeneration project 2MW, Schalkwijk, Haarlem
The Netherlands
The renovation of a neighbourhood has resulted in a large decrease of use of gas for heating and hot water (70%), 40% energy-saving, 30% use of sustainable (solar) energy through the renovation of a neighbourhood.

Management of wind-farm developments in Wallonia (landscape and use of land)
Wind farm development in the Wallonian Region of Belgium

Middelgrunden offshore windfarm
Offshore wind farm, situated close to Copenhagen Harbour

Municipal Energy Efficiency Programme, Municipality of Gabrovo
Evaluation of the Municipal Energy Efficiency Programmes in Bulgaria

North Hoyle Offshore wind farm
Development of the UKs first major offshore wind farm.

Procedure for Environmental Assessment of local regulation in Copenhagen