Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Opinion of tools

Name of the tool
Expert Evaluation

Positive comments about the tool
• facilitate the holistic solution of architectural, functional and infrastructure problems;
• guarantee that the proposed new services are really needed and possible to provide and, moreover, will not destroy the spatial identity of the town as perceived by its inhabitants;
• specify the commitment and obligations of the owners and municipality;
• determining the optimal parameters of the built-up area in the quarter within the framework of active regulations;
• introduce transparent rules to preserve the specific architectural style of the quarter;
• provide an adequate basis for the municipality when issuing requested building permits for the quarter.

Negative comments about the tool
Experts’ assessment would be flexible enough to adjust to different situations, but at the same time it is strongly dependant on the personality of the experts and thus a subjective one. Transdisciplinarily approach should be further developed to achieve less subjectivity for the evaluation.