Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Opinion of tools

Name of the tool
Sustainable Diagnosis

Positive comments about the tool
- the diagnosis, being applied early in the project development, makes it clearer the situation of the project and allows to define adapted objectives (in long and short term vision)
- It is also a relevant way to make a qualitative evaluation of the current state of the context, site, pollution about the project.
- the partnership between the consultant (expert in sustainability requirement) and the project holder have really benefits in term of communication about the project, and knowledge sharing. The project holder could improve its knowledge on sustainability and become aware of the potential of his project in terms of sustainability.
- it could improve the project global coherence.

Negative comments about the tool
- social and economic pillars are still not enough developed, coming from the fact that at the inception, the consultant skills were environmental ones.
- It is not because a sustainable diagnosis has been done that the project is sustainable. But it is a relevant starting point.