Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Source of tools

Name of the tool
Hochtief Griffiths QUENSH

Where is tool available from
The tool is an internal Hochtief/Griffiths tool only and not publicly available.

When was the tool produced
The tool was developed during the projects lifetime of January 2000-August 2002.

Is support provided

Organisation/s that developed the tool and country of origin
Developed by Hochtief (UK) Construction Ltd and Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd on their joint venture project at Baglan Energy Park Phase II, South Wales.

Is the tool newly developed or based on an exisiting tool
This is a new tool, but made up of all the existing legislation. The tool is constantly being updated and reviewed as it is used on new projects.

Cost of the full tool
The tool is not available to the public, the tool concept could be developed and implemented.