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Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Source of tools

Name of the tool
Seascape Assessment

Where is tool available from
The paper can be downloaded from:

When was the tool produced
March 2001, the tool was published in M.Hill, J.Briggs, P. Minto, D. Bagnal;, K. Foley, A. Williams (2001) Guide to Best Practice in Seascape Assessment Maritime Ireland/Wales INTERREG 1994-99.

Is support provided
The Guide provides detailed information on what should be assessed.

Organisation/s that developed the tool and country of origin
The work was carried out by Countryside Council for Wales who worked in partnership with University College Dublin and Brady Shipman Martin, an environmental consultancy in Dublin. The guide is the final result of an 18 month research project (Contract EU/210/14/007) and was supported under Measure 1.3 "Protection of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Maritime (Ireland - Wales) INTERREG Programme (1994 - 1999)". It was administered by the National Assembly for Wales and the Marine Institute (Ireland). The method was also developed from the conclusions of a number of supporting research contracts, as well as a seminar / workshop session which debated various different approaches.

Is the tool newly developed or based on an exisiting tool
Seascape assessment is an extension of landscape character assessment rather than a specialism in its own right. Hill et al.

Cost of the full tool
The Best Practice in Seascape Assessment is available for download for free from the Countryside Council for Wales´s website:〈=en