Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Tool application

Name of the tool
BEES (Building for Environment and Economic Sustainability)

Who applied the tool in the case?

Time taken to fully apply the tool
Not specified

Any other interesting information about the tool
The intended audience for this tool are Designers, specifiers, builders, product manufacturers, purchasers, researchers, and policy makers.

Input: User may set relative importance weights for 1) synthesizing up to 12 environmental impact scores (global warming, acid rain, eutrophication, fossil fuel depletion, indoor air quality, habitat alteration, ozone depletion, smog, human health, ecological toxicity, criteria air pollutants, and water intake) into an environmental performance score, 2) discounting future costs to their equivalent present value, and 3) combining environmental and economic performance scores into an overall performance score. Default values provided for all of this windows-based input. Weighting is optional.

Output: Summary graphs depicting life-cycle environmental and economic performance scores for competing building product alternatives. Detailed graphs also available depicting physical flow quantities for each environmental impact (e.g., grams of carbon dioxide for the global warming impact), embodied energy, and first and future costs.

Case study/ies where tool is in use