Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Source of tools

Name of the tool
Housing sightlines checklist

Where is tool available from
RNIB Customer Services, P.O.Box 173, Peterborough PE2 6WS.
Tel: 0845 702 3153; email:;

When was the tool produced
October 2003 – this is the first edition, and was followed by RNIB Cymru et al (2004) Adapting homes, A guide to adapting existing homes for people with sight loss RNIB and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Is support provided
The contact details for all the projects collaborating are provided in the folder should further information be required, however the tool is straightforward. In addition a list of documents for further information follows each section.

Organisation/s that developed the tool and country of origin
Produced in the UK the guide has been produced in collaboration by:
(i) RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind) Cymru;
(ii) JMU Access Partnership, an access consultancy working to provide inclusive environments;
(iii) Wales & West Housing Association.

Is the tool newly developed or based on an exisiting tool
This is a newly developed tool, and the first of a series of guides to be published by RNIB Cymru which provide practical advice on building houses that are accessible to people who are blind and partially sighted.

Cost of the full tool
Housing Sight is available for £19.95 (plus £2.50 handling charge). The tool is not able to be split up.