Contact detailsName der Fallstudie Project for a New Bridge over The Danube (Vidin -Calafat)
Projekt Neue Brücke über die Donau (Vidin- Calafat) Websites Vidin Municipality (Pop up window may be associated with this web page)
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Stability Pact
ERM Lahmeyer International
References Briefs, Development of Bulgaria-Romania Vidin - Calafat Danube Bridge Project disseminated by Ministry of Transport and Communications
Program for transport infrastructure development for the period 2001- 2005
National Strategy for Transport Sector, June 2001
Bulgarian regulation No 4 on Environmental Impact Assessment
Other sources Interviews with
Dobrin Denev ? team leader of the Preliminary EIA Report (11th June 2004, 6th October 2004)
Welche Tools wurden verwendet, um Nachhaltigkeit zu beurteilen? Preliminary EIA report Weiterführende Informationen (nur auf Englisch):
Für den vollständigen Bericht hier klicken (pdf) |