Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
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Decision making process

Name of the case study
Environmental profiling of buildings in Tilburg

Decision making process
Please note - there is limited information available about this case study

Name of tool

Decision making process - tools in decision-making process
More than 2600 houses have been "labelled" since 1995 with the GPR. 75% scores more than 7 points pro module and 25% less than 7, but more than 6.5.

That means that all new building plans on the great (VINEX) development area comply with the quantitative goals.

Decision making process - how was the information for the dmp disseminated

Decision making process - how was the public involved

Decision making process - was there public discussion over the project

What tools were used to assess sustainability?


More information

Click here for a full description (pdf)