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Project Summary Project Description Application of Tools Opinion of Tools Decision making process Contact Details

Application of tools

Name of the case study
Application of integrated environmental guidelines for neighbourhood development in Nijmegen

Name of tool
Integrated vision of environmental factors.

Description of tool - character
The tool is an integrated map that provides a vision of environmental factors of a neighbourhood combined with a strength/weakness analysis of an area. An appraisal of occupants vision on the environment of the neighbourhood also occurs.

The tool consists of 6 steps:
Step1: analysis of strong and weak points of an neighbourhood area concerning environmental themes like condition of the soil, noise pollution, factories, safety, water quality etc.
Step 2 map analysis of the chances for "environmental hygiene". On a map the places with a high and with low environmental pressure are plotted
Step 3 map analysis of chances for sustainability. On a map places where improvements can be made or where qualities need to be protected are plotted
Step 4 spatial analysis. On a map the current landuse and functions are plotted.
Step 5 analysis of the vision of the environmental pressures in an area. Occupants, owners and developers give their perception of the environmental quality of their neighbourhood and their wishes for improvement. Step 6 Environmental vision. Combination of the 5 analyses gives a map of the neighbourhood with problem areas, possibilities and an appraisal of the possible developments in the area.

The top map is "chances for environmental hygiene" Step 2 in the method. On the legend are the groups
1 : "quietness and green" divided into:
– tranquil core of the neighbourhood
- green edge with vista
- green area under pressure
- other green area"s
- stone part of the neighbourhood with lack of green

2: "pollution"
- potential noise pollution for the railway
- potential noise and air pollution from roads
- factory
- soil pollution

The bottom map is chance for sustainability - Step 3 in the method. On the legend are the groups:

1 energy use and housing quality:
- housing quality reasonable to good
- housing quality poor to bad
- other types of building

2 efficient use of space, accessibility
- station within walking distance
- city centre within bicycle distance
- potentially good accessibility for cars

3 water and green spaces
- green zone, groundwater infiltration area
- railway zone, groundwater infiltration area
- stony area, almost no groundwater infiltration
- groundwater infiltration zone

Description of tool - availability

Description of tool - existing
Newly elaborated.

The Ministry of Spatial Development has described a similar tool in the "Stad en Milieu" (City and environment) research program. Step 1 and Step 2 of the Stad en Milieu method of analysis and problem solving) Our tool however is more focused to combine the information on maps and to make decisions based on the capacity of the area.

Description of tool - adaptation

What tools were used to assess sustainability?

Integrated vision of environmental factors.

More information

Click here for a full description (pdf)