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Project Summary Project Description Application of Tools Opinion of Tools Decision making process Contact Details

Application of tools

Name of the case study
Sustainable design of DR City

Name of tool
MEMPD (Manual on Environmental Management in Project Design (in Danish: ´Miljørigtig projektering´).

Description of tool - character
The MEMPD is the main tool. It is a voluntary tool which describes procedures to be followed in designing sustainable buildings, and suggests other tools to be used. It does not necessarily require or guarantee any environmental improvements, but leaves it up to the owner and consultants to define environmental goals for the building.

Description of tool - availability
The tool has to be paid for, so has the services from the consultants if they design the buildings according to the MEMPD ("Manual on Environmental Management in Project Design").

Description of tool - existing
The tool MEMPD is not based on existing tools.

Description of tool - adaptation
The tool was adapted to the case by the consultant, who has experience using the MEMPD from other projects. The MEMPD was not adapted in its full version to the project. Due to the environmental consultants experience from using MEMPD on other projects, she suggested that in DR City MEMPD should be applied in a more ?loose? way. This means, that not all the steps in MEMPD are followed strictly as described. Also, the structure in MEMPD does not match the partnering-approach very well.

What tools were used to assess sustainability?

MEMPD (Manual on Environmental Management in Project Design (in Danish: ´Miljørigtig projektering´).

More information

Click here for a full description (pdf)