Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Opinion of tools

Name of the tool
The Athena Model - Athena Sustainable Materials Institute

Positive comments about the tool
• High quality, regionally sensitive databases,
• user-friendly interface,
• provides both detailed and aggregated results, and superior assembly and complete design comparison capability.
• It is "FREE" at this time for testing and use.

Negative comments about the tool
• The LCI databases are locked, and the user doesn’t have the opportunity to modify, replace or add data. This means Athena can only building products, materials and activity stages for which it has data. It puts a tremendous onus on the Institute to ensure the quality, consistency and comparability of the data and it raises the question of transparency.
• Right now the Athena model only contains databases for wood, steel and concrete products used in structural applications from cradle-to completion of the building site. But 'cradle to site' LCI databases have also been developed and will shortly be added for a range of cladding products, insulation and barrier materials, gypsum wallboard and related finishing materials, and selected glazing and window framing options. They will also be adding relevant occupancy/use and "end-of-life" activity stages to complete the building life cycle.