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Project summary

Name of the case study
Regeneration of Dobrich Town Park, Dobrich Municipality

Where is it located?

What type of activity is it?

Short description of the case study
Beautiful Bulgaria Project (BBP) aims at developing innovative policy approach to alleviate neglected urban infrastructure in Bulgarian cities and towns. It provides financial support to municipal projects which meet a set of National Targets Criteria. Dobrich Town Park Regeneration Project gained BBP financial support in 2003. It targeted a compact green space linking the town centre with the urban fringe. The park needed an urgent regeneration of horticulture and a new social focus to be defined concerning the effective use and management. A number of actions for the regeneration were undertaken to improve the quality of the environment and the safety of visitors - the pavement of the alleys was completely renewed, the lighting was replaced with energy saving-bulbs, a variety of trees were planted, the reconstruction of a pedestrian subway to the park started.

Municipalities with grants received within the Beautiful Bulgaria Project
Municipalities with grants received within the Beautiful Bulgaria Project (up to 2003 the total number was over 100)

The case is significant for the implementation of a policy tool which links the national with municipal targets integrating environmental, social and economic aspects of urban development. It effectively meets two urgent needs of most Bulgarian Municipalities – one for regeneration of the urban infrastructure and the second for diminishing the level of unemployment. The case is a good example of how the dissemination of a successful practical implementation of a tool linking the national, regional and the municipal level has led to the establishment of a sustainable project network at the national level.

The case study is related to ´green spaces qualitative aspects: improvement of the existing green/blue spaces quality´ (PETUS key-problem in green/blue sector)

What tools were used to assess sustainability?

Municipal Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria)

National Target Criteria (one of Two-level Target Criteria)

More information

Click here for a full description (pdf)