Source of toolsName of the tool The Neighbourhood Checklist: Community Checklist; Shaping Neighbourhood, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality Where is tool available from The tool is in a form of a book available from:
Bookshops: Hugh Barton, Marcus Grant, Richard Guise (2003) Sustainable Settlements, London, Spon Press (ISBN 0-415-27852-X (hbk) 0-415-26009-4 (pbk)). When was the tool produced 2003 Is support provided No Organisation/s that developed the tool and country of origin Hugh Barton, Marcus Grant and Richard Guise from UWE
Organisations/departments also involved:
The new manual has been produced by the WHO (World Health Organisation) Collborating Centre for Healthy Cities and Urban Policy – based in the Faculty of the Built Environment at UWE – and under the auspices of the European region of the WHO Healthy Cities movement.
Tool development was funded by:
Southern Trust, Marks and Spencer and UEW provided the resources that allowed the project to come to fruition. Is the tool newly developed or based on an exisiting tool Shaping Neighbourhoods is in direct line of descent from the acclaimed guide to Sustainable Settlements (Barton, Davis and Guise 1995) which was jointly published by the University of the West of England and the Local Government Management Board.
This checklist is based on that in the WHO publication Health Urban Planning (Barton and Tsourou 2000), adapted to reflect the neighbourhood emphasis.
Cost of the full tool Not specified |