Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Source of tools

Name of the tool
Environmental indicator for ground water monitoring

Where is tool available from
Elisabeth Sibeud
Head of the design section of the water department of the Greater Lyon
Email :

When was the tool produced
The tool has been produced during the design of water facilities of the urban project “Porte des alpes” in 1996.

Is support provided
In this case, support has been provided by the French water police.

Organisation/s that developed the tool and country of origin
This set of indicators has been established by both the water direction of the urban community of Lyon agglomeration and the French water police.

Is the tool newly developed or based on an exisiting tool
This set of indicators has been developed on the base of other existing set of indicators but adapted to the specific project aims and stresses.

Cost of the full tool
Facility to make needed measure to calculate indicators can have a non-negligible cost.