Water and Sewage
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Buildings & land use
Tool Summary Tool Characteristics Tool Application Source of Tools Opinion of Tools

Tool application

Name of the tool
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Who applied the tool in the case?
For the Baglan Energy Park Phase 2, responsibility for monitoring was given to the projects cost consultant EC Harris, who sent out monthly score sheets to the team members. The scores/trends were debated at every monthly progress meeting which was attended by the site team, partner organisations, client and project managers. EC Harris, Windsor House, Windsor Lane, Cardiff, CF10 3DE, Tel: +44 29 2031 5315, Fax: +44 29 2031 0500.

In New Tredegar, the KPIs chosen from the Construction Industry Key Performance Indicators assessed issues such as completing the job on time, on budget, to a high quality together with health and safety etc.. An assessment using the KPIs was completed by each member of the team during monthly project meetings to evaluate the performance of the Partnership and to ensure that its stated values became routine and were not left as a well meaning, but little used document. Quarterly KPI reports were produced through out the projects life.

KPIs are applied at a technical level, and are completed on a regular basis (i.e. monthly or quarterly) through out the construction phase of a project.

Time taken to fully apply the tool
The completion of the KPIs regularly by the project team does not require much time, approximately an hour, plus the compilation of the results. This process should occur regularly e.g. monthly/quarterly, depending on the time period decided by the project.

Any other interesting information about the tool
Caerphilly County Borough Council (the municipality responsible for the development at New Tredegar) hope to use KPIs (and the other tools used in the project) in future projects.

The benchmarks used in the Constructing Excellence KPIs are formed from the results of other projects. KPI results are given to Constructing Excellence who use the information to benchmark with other projects throughout the country. This system allowed the project team at New Tredegar to make comparisons with other projects throughout the country.

Case study/ies where tool is in use

New Tredegar Regeneration Scheme

Baglan Energy Park Phase 2